Rivers Trust Near Real Time Sewage Discharge Map

28th November 2024 by Sammy Graves

The Rivers Trust now have a near real-time sewage discharge map. It can be accessed by clicking here. This map is only a tab away from the annual summary map of sewage discharges. To access the United Utilities original storm overflow map click here.

Cumbria Local Nature Strategy

31st August 2024 by Sammy Graves

Cumbria Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) have produced a set of draft measures and priorities for Cumbria. “The LNRS will aim to restore Cumbria’s wildlife by drawing on existing data, strategies and guidance, alongside local knowledge, to ensure that nature recovery happens in a way that delivers maximum benefit.” For more information about Cumbria LNRS visit their website here Quick link for the Cumbria LNRS draft measures here Quick link for Cumbria LNRS draft priorities here

Nutrient Neutrality update for 2024

31st July 2024 by Sammy Graves

The nutrient neutrality boundary for the Kent catchment has recently been changed. Natural England has published the revised evidence pack with map for the River Kent SAC. Available to view here. Lake District National Park Authority are running an “enhance your tank scheme”. The first phase of this is to identify potential septic tank and PTPs that can be upgraded within the nutrient neutrality zones. For more information click here.

Dispelling the Myth: Enhancing Understanding of Water Resources in the North West

25th September 2023 by Rachael Halhead

Groundwork Greater Manchester, supported by the Environment Agency and partners launch Dispelling the Myth Project. The project aims to ignite conversations about water resources in the North West providing a bank of resources for the catchment partnerships across the region. Water is our most precious resource, sustaining all life and livelihoods. If all the world’s freshwater was contained in a jug, the amount available to use could be represented as a single drop. These water resources are just as precious…

Plug your Plastic use

19th September 2023 by Rachael Halhead

A staggering 80% of the plastic in the ocean comes from the land, via rivers and coastlines thanks to things like littering or overflowing bins. Each year, an estimated 14 million pieces of plastic rubbish end up in and around our canals and rivers. Experts are warning that if nothing is done by 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans. We want a better future than that. North West rivers and water environment project Natural Course…

People walking next to river

Nutrient Neutrality

30th June 2023 by Jayne Wilkinson

In South Cumbria we have two nutrient neutrality areas; these are Esthwaite and the River Kent. The Lake District National Park Authority are leading on this for Cumbria, supporting by a partnership of organisations. You can find out more about this and keep up to date with news and resources on nutrient neutrality on their website. 

Windermere Community Partnership

27th June 2023 by Jayne Wilkinson

In March 2023 South Cumbria Rivers Trust began the development of a new community partnership for Windermere. The Trust saw a gap, and with a history of successfully working with local communities at a catchment scale, recognised the value in establishing a community partnership. Working closely with members of the local community and local groups the partnership is beginning to pull together data, ask questions and host a series of events to learn from others. It aims to start monitoring…

Flood Drop in Event – Ambleside

5th June 2023 by Jayne Wilkinson

The Environment Agency are hosting a drop-in event in Ambleside, for all to learn more about flooding and what you can do to help yourself. Call in to Ambleside Parish Centre between 2pm – 6.30pm on Wednesday 7th June to find out more. For more information please see the flyer below: Ambleside drop in event

Beezon Fields Art Exhibition Invite

14th March 2023 by Jayne Wilkinson

As part of the work on the Flood Risk Management Scheme in Kendal the Environment Agency have been working together with Kendal College. They will exhibiting artwork at Wildman Street Gallery which will support the sensory path feature at Beezon Fields. This is a newly landscaped site within central Kendal. The Environment Agency would like to invite you to the exhibition on Saturday 18th March. This is and opportunity to come and see the developing artwork; doors are open to…

Love Windermere Website Launched

17th February 2023 by Jayne Wilkinson

On February 14th the Love Windermere Partnership launched it’s new website: https://lovewindermere.co.uk/ The partnership was launched in June 2020 in response to concerns around water quality in Windermere. You can find out more about the partners and the actions being taken to improve the lake on the website.