On the 24th October the Environment Agency launched their Challenges and Choices consultation. This is the second consultation which will inform updates to the River Basin Management Plans from 2015. It is open until the 24th April 2020.
In this consultation the Environment Agency have described what they think are the biggest challenges affecting the water environment and have outlined ideas on how to address them. They are now asking for your views and what you think should be done. The final plans, due to be published in December 2021, will contain legally binding water environment objectives and a summary of the programmes of measures to guide DEFRA, the Environment Agency, water companies and catchment partnerships work over the next 6 years.
As a catchment partnership we will be collating and submitting our thoughts and local knowledge, and you can do the same. Further information on some of the issues affecting our catchments can be found in our catchment data portal.
Respond to the consultation here.
You can also download a copy of the proforma.