Life R4ever Kent project

In Progress
Flood & Drought Resilience, Habitat & Wildlife, Invasive Species, Water Quality and Widespread Engagement
Environment Agency, Freshwater Biological Association, Natural England and South Cumbria Rivers Trust

The project is funded by Life and Natura and aims to look at whole catchment functioning. “Focussing on habitat restoration and a carefully trialled reinforcement programme for the designated Freshwater Pearl Mussel, the project’s actions will also help the native White Clawed Crayfish and Bullhead, supporting ecosystems. Bringing together local land managers, schools, volunteers, organisations and embracing the local community’s input, the LIFE R4ever Kent project aims to Revitalise and Restore the River, making it more Resilient to the climate pressures of the future.”

Invasive non-native species work will be carried out; including Himalayan balsam, Japanese knotweed and American skunk cabbage removal, eDNA work to benefit white-clawed crayfish and freshwater pearl mussels.

Click here for more information. 

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