Cumbria Coastal Strategy
Public consultation deadline – 13th December 2019
Work on the Cumbria Coastal Strategy is well under way and due to be completed in Spring 2020. The project is being led by Jacobs and managed by Cumbria County Council on behalf of all the Cumbria coastal Risk Management Authorities. The Environment Agency are funding this work and are part of the project governance.
There is currently a second round of consultation, if you’d like to share your views about how your coastline should be managed, and help us understand its impacts on people, the local economy and the environment, please go to to https://cumbria.gov.uk/ccs/publicengagement.asp Here you will find more information on the strategy, the proposed approaches and future activities recommended.
Cumbria County Council would be grateful if you could review the draft strategy and pass on any comments to the consultation email address CCS@cumbria.gov.uk also copying in CCS@jacobs.com. There are feedback forms provided on the website, but it’s not necessary to use these if comments better shared in another format.
Public engagement on the draft documents is open from the 15th November to the 13th December.
What is a coastal strategy?
A coastal strategy is a plan that sets out how we will manage the risks related to coastal flooding and erosion along our coastline over the next century. Cumbria County Council is working with the Cumbria Coast Protection Authorities (District Councils) and the Environment Agency, to develop a strategy for the future management of the coast from Arnside to the Scottish Border.