……Back on Our Map
BOOM, or to give it it’s full title, Back on Our Map is an exciting new project being led by the University of Cumbria. The project is looking to re-introduce a suite of locally threatened or extinct species into the area around Morecambe Bay. More information on the project can be found on their website.
We have been speaking to the BOOM project team to discuss opportunities with a focus on the re-introduction of aspen. Over the life of the project we are aiming to establish aspen at a number of project sites, such as along river corridors and as part of our natural flood management projects. We will also be linking with the restoring Hardknott forest project in the Duddon Valley. This will help to increase the connectivity of habitat across South Cumbria.
There will be lots of volunteering opportunities as part of this project. Keep an eye on our Get Involved pages or sign up to the newsletters for either of the projects at the links above. You can also follow the BOOM project on twitter and facebook