A meeting of the Becks to Bay partnership was held on 10th February. Partners in attendance included South Cumbria Rivers Trust, Environment Agency, United Utilities, Freshwater Biological Association, Natural England, National Trust, Cumbria County Council, Arnside and Silverdale AONB and local business representatives.
The partnership met virtually in the morning to discuss project updates from various partners, including projects and planning for Windermere, recently held workshops in the Duddon Valley and the LIFE R4Ever Kent Project.
A review of the catchment plans is also underway, this includes an update of the catchment data portal, hosted on this website. It will also include identifying priorities and a project pipeline. As a partnership we aim to collaborate, engage and share resource for maximum benefit. More information and updates will be shared on the website over the coming months. Please use the discussion forum to share any thoughts and priorities.
In the afternoon the partnership undertook a site visit to view a natural flood management site, birds park reservoir. The visit was hosted by Cumbria Wildlife Trust, and supported by Lancaster University. The project was funded by the Environment Agency, on United Utilities owned land, under the Natural Flood Management Programme. You can find further information on the project on Cumbria Wildlife Trust website.